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What is Islamism?

Islamism aims to establish a society and a state based solely on Islam. This means that they want a social order in which religion and state are not separated and Islam plays the central role in all areas of life. Islamists differ in their approach: some rely on violence, others on political processes or social work to win over their followers and achieve their goals. Despite these differences, what all Islamists have in common is that they seek a profound transformation of society based on their specific interpretation of Islam.

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Islam is a 1400-year-old religion with many different interpretations and practices, while Islamism is a political ideology that seeks to make a particular interpretation of Islam the basis of the social and state order.

In this part of the module, we will deal with extremist political ideology in general. We will introduce you to the characteristics, goals and some currents.




Islamism is a collective term for political currents with extremist ideology based on a radical interpretation of Islam. Islamism strives for the establishment of a religiously legitimized social and state order in which all areas of life are aligned with the rules of the Koran and the Sunnah.


Main features of Islamism



The belief that Islam is not only a religion, but also a political and social order.

The rejection of principles such as individual freedoms, human rights, pluralism, and secularism.

Islamic rule with the aim of establishing an Islamic state based on Islamic law (Sharia) and thus replacing popular sovereignty with divine supremacy.

The overthrow of non-Islamic governments and the establishment of an Islamic state or caliphate.

The West as an enemy means the fight against "un-Islamic" influences and the rejection of Western values and ways of life.

A social order that is seen by Islamists as homogeneous and unitary. There is no room for divergent opinions or individual lifestyles.




Violence: Some groups advocate violent means to achieve their goals and commit terrorist attacks. While others prefer peaceful means.

degree of radicalism: The interpretation of Sharia law and the vision of Islamic society vary depending on the current/group.


What are the Islamist currents?


Within Islamism, there is a very broad spectrum of different currents and groups with different goals and ideas about what the political system should look like. We would like to briefly introduce you to two main currents.




Salafism is a current in Islam that refers to the first generations of Muslims, the "Salaf". Salafists are trying to live like the Prophet Mohammed and his companions. They believe that this is the only way to be a true Muslim.


Strict interpretation of the Qur'an and the Sunnah: Salafists reject all subsequent interpretations of Islam and strictly adhere to the rules laid down in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Puritan lifestyle: Salafists often live very puritanical lives and abstain from many things they consider un-Islamic, such as music, alcohol and television.

proselytizing: Salafists try to convert other people to Islam. They believe that it is their duty to spread the "true religion."




Jihadism is a radical current of Islam that advocates armed struggle ("jihad") for the enforcement of Islamic rule. Jihadists believe that it is their duty to fight against infidels and other enemies of Islam in order to establish an Islamic theocracy.

The word "jihad" comes from Arabic and means "effort" or "effort." The interpretation of jihad as "holy war" or "violence" is a specific interpretation of Islam and is not shared by the majority of Muslims. The term jihad has different meanings in Islam.


violence: Jihadists advocate armed struggle ("jihad") as a legitimate means of achieving their goals.

Exclusion: Jihadists declare people of other faiths and supposed enemies of Islam to be infidels ("kuffar") and deny them the right to life.

end-time expectations: Jihadists believe in an imminent apocalyptic battle between good and evil, in which Islam will be victorious in the end.




To sum up, Islamism is a complex phenomenon that cannot simply be reduced to a particular current or group. It poses a challenge to our free and democratic basic order. Even if not all Islamists advocate violence, the ideology is a serious threat.


Dangers of Islamism


Threat to democracy: Restriction of freedoms and fundamental rights as well as the suppression of dissenters.

Violence and terrorism: attacks on civilians and state institutions as well as legitimization of violence against people of other faiths.

Radicalisation and intolerance: dissemination of extremist content, hate propaganda and inhuman ideology.


